Class 27-3: Were to Conditionals – Present, Past and Future


If I were to leave now, maybe my boss will not see this.”


Were to can be used in the present to emphasize that the conditional form is extremely unlikely. The were to form is only used in the if-clause.


If I were to have one million dollars, it would be much easier to do my homework.

Were to can be used in the past to emphasize that the conditional form is extremely unlikely. The were to form is only used in the if-clause.

If you were to have suffered from a heart attack, this family would not do well without you.

Were to can be used in the future to emphasize that the conditional form is extremely unlikely. The were to form is only used in the if-clause.

If I were to win the lottery next month, I would definitely quite my job tomorrow.


Sentence Structure Formula:

If I were to + verb(present) + would + verb(present)
If I were to study now, I would not have to study tonight.

If I were to have + (verb)past + would + (verb)past
If you were to have studied, I would have done better on the test.

If I were to + verb + would/will + verb(present)
If I were to study tomorrow night, I will not have study tomorrow.

“If I were to finish tonight, I will go to the beach in the morning.” 


Exercise 1: Underline the correct verb form for each were to conditional sentence.

1.  If I were to (see / saw / seen) a ghost, I would be so scared.

2.  If the tornado were to have (destroy / destroying / destroyed) the school, the people of the city would be very upset.

3.  If I were to (get / got / gotten) an “A” on my test, my mom will allow me to out with my friends tonight.

4.  If someone were to (has / have / had) nice car we could borrow, tonight would be perfect.

5.  If the computer were to (broke, break / broken) down, I would lose all of my work.

6.  If my cell phone were to (go / going /gone) off in the middle of the exam, I would be so embarrassed.

7.  If we were to (has / have / had) an earthquake, the city would be in panic.

8.  Question: Did you study for the test tomorrow? | Answer: No, but if I were to (study / studying / studied) tonight, for the whole test, I may pass.

9.  If I were to (pass / passing / passed) my driving test tomorrow, I will finally have my driver’s license.

10.  If I were to (cook / cooking / cooked) you dinner tonight, you must wash the dishes.