Class 25-2: Present Real Conditionals


When I see a copy machine, I like to copy my face.”


The present real conditional is used to express your normal actions in real situations.

Both if and when are used with the present real conditional. Using if suggests that something happens less frequently. Using when suggests that something happens regularly.


1. Whengo to the movies, I like to buy popcorn.

2. If it rains, I take an umbrella.

3. When I go to the store, I buy food.

Sentence Structure Formula:

if / when + simple present, simple present

1. If I exercise, my heart is stronger. 2. When I fly in an airplane, I get sick.

simple present + if / when simple present

1. My heart is stronger, if I exercise. 2. I get sick, when I fly in an airplane.

Note: You do not need to use I in your sentences to use conditional. You can use he / she / it / they / Tom / Emily / etc.


When I get my paycheck, I’m going to New York City!”


Exercise 1: Underline the correct form of present tense for the conditional clauses.

1. If I (walk/ walked / will walk) to school, I usually (take / took / will take) the bus.

2. If I (go / will go / went) to school, I usually (took / take / will take) usually the bus.

3. If I (drank / drink / will drink) too much water, I have to (go / will go / went) to the bathroom.

4. If the dog (bit / bites / bited) a person, he has to (go / will go / went) to the animal shelter.

5.When I (washed / wash / will wash) my car, I usually (scrubbed / scrub / will scrub) the tires.

6.When Tom and Pat (travel / will travel / traveled) to California, they usually (go / went / will go) to Los Angles.

7. When the city of New York (has / have / will have) a parade, the city (closed / close / will close) the streets.

8. If I (fail / failed / will fail) this test, I (start / started / will start) crying.

9. When I (walked / will walk / walk) to the store, I usually (walked / will walk / walk) on the sidewalk.

9.10. If I don’t (do / doing / done) my homework, my mother usually (yell / yells / yelling) at me.