Class 15-3: Prepositions of Movement
He is nervous about buying stocks.
Prepositions: to | Sentence Structure Formulas: to + the (object) to + verb | Examples: 1. He’s carrying the garbage to the trash can. 2. I wanted to drive. |
through |
through + the (object) |
The man looked through the telescope. |
across |
across + the (object) |
The pretty woman is walking across the street. |
along |
along + the (object) |
The couple is walking along the trail. |
down |
down + the (object) |
The woman walked down the aisle. |
over |
over + the (object) |
The Italian flag is hung over the bridge. |
off |
off *(sentence ending) off + the object. |
1. In the morning, I turn my alarm clock off. 2. Get off the stage. |
around |
around + the (object) |
The pilot will fly the plane around the world. |
into |
into + the (object) |
The wine is being poured into the glass. |
Prepositions List
A. aboard about above across after against along amid among anti around as at B. before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by |
C. concerning considering D. despite down during E. except excepting excluding F. following for from I. in inside into L. like |
M. minus N. near O. of off on onto opposite outside over P. past per plus R. round regarding S. since |
T. than through to toward towards U. under underneath unlike until up upon V. versus via W. with within without |
Exercise 1: Write the correct preposition.1. I walked to the store.
2. The movie starts ________ 8:10pm.
3. The restaurant is open ________ the evenings only.
4. His birthday is ________ Saturday.
5. We usually have dinner ________ 8:00pm.
6. He leaves for New York ________ Friday.
7. My plane leaves ________ midnight.
8. They return ________ April 24.
9. We usually go ________ vacation ________ the summer.
10. He went to California ________ July.
Exercise 2: Write the correct preposition.
1. I am leaving in six days.2. I go to work early ________ the morning.
3. They eat breakfast ________ the morning.
4. The metro leaves promptly ________ time.
5. Will we be too late ________ catch the train?
6. You were not ________ time for work this morning.
7. I have ________ work ________ 8:00am ________ 5:00pm every day.
8. Don’t be late! Be ________ time for the start of the class.
9. What were you doing ________ the 1980’s?
10. We always stay up late ________ New Year’s Eve.
Exercise 3: Write the correct preposition. 1. Go down the street and pick up some milk. 2. She walked ________ the store to buy some groceries.3. You must walk ________ the bridge to get to the store.
4. You can walk ________ the lake.
5. The salesperson said the product was ________ the aisle.
6. You must turn the lights ________ in order to save money.
7. The coffee shop is ________ the corner.
8. Put the money ________ your pocket.
9. Turn the lights ________ so I can see.
10. You must look ________ the binoculars in order to see closer.