Class 25-3: Past Real Conditionals

26-3“If we were smarter, we would have worn raincoats”


Past real conditional is used when an action occurred in the past, and you chose to do a second action in the past because of the result of the first action. (Example 1)

Remember, past real conditional is in the past.

Look at the phrase used to in example 1. Used to tells the listener that you did an action in the past but you no longer do the action in the present. Used to is used to help the listener understand that your action was a habit (an action that you did many times).

Look at the phrase would have in example 2. Would have tells the listener that you were thinking about doing an action in the past, but you decided not to.

Both if and when are used in the past real conditional. Use if when you are telling the listener that an action did not happen regularly. Use when to tell the listener that an action happened regularly.

Note: The phrase would have is typically used with if. (Example 2)


1. When I was in school, I used to play sports.

2. If I were in school, I would have studied a lot.

3. When I was younger, I used to read picture books.

4. If I were younger, I would have studied more.

Sentence Structure Formula:

if / when + simple past, simple past

1. If were smarter, I would have read more books. 2. When I spoke to people in large groups, I used to be nervous.

simple past + if / when simple past

1. I would have read more books, if were smarter. 2. I used to be nervous, when I spoke to people in large groups.

Note: You do not need to use I in your sentences to use conditional. You can use he / she / it / they / Tom / Emily / etc.


Exercise 1: Underline the correct verb for the past real conditional.

1.  When I (had / have / will have) a dollar, I used to (spend / spent / will spend) it. Now, I put the money in a savings bank account.

2.  If I (read / red / will read) a long book in English, it used to (be / been / will be) difficult. Now, with practice, it’s much easier.

3.  When I (had / have / will have) to mow the grass, it usually (took / take / will took) me a long time. Now, I hire a person to cut the grass.

4.  If I (run / ran / will run) I a long distance, I usually (took / take / will took) a long time. Now, I can run marathon.

5.  If the weather (is / was / were) good, I usually (took / take / will took) my dog on a walk.

6.  When I (had / have / will have) to complete my school work, I often (forget / forgot / forgotten). Now, I am older and wiser.

7.  When I (had / have / will have) an argument with my mother, I usually (get / got / gotten) upset. Now, I don’t anymore.

8.  I used to (walk / walked / will walk) to work every day. Now I drive.

9.  When I was younger and I (get / got / gotten) invited to many parties, I usually (took / take / will took) a bottle of wine with me.

10.  I used to (drink / drank / will drink) a lot, but now I don’t (drink / drank / will drink) alcohol anymore.