Class 23-1: Negative Questions

English Titan Class 23-1: Negative Questions

Question: “Don’t you like fixing floors?” Answer: “No, he hates it.”



Negative questions are used when you ask a question and you want “yes” as an answer. Sometimes the answer may be “no,” but you are still looking for “yes.”

There are two ways to write negative questions.

Example Questions:

Question: Don’t you know how to read?

Question: Do you not know how to read?

Question: Doesn’t he want to travel? Question: Does he not want to travel?

Example Answers:

Answer: Yes, I know how to read.

Answer: No, he doesn’t want to travel.


Exercise 1: Re-write the following questions to make two negative questions.

1.  Did you study for the test? | Did you not study for the test?Didn’t you study for the test?

2.  Can you ask her for help? | _____________________ | _____________________

3.  Will you join us for dinner? | _____________________ | _____________________

4.  Do you want more time? | _____________________ | _____________________

5.  Could you wait ten more minutes? | _____________________ | _____________________

6.  Are they serving pizza today in the cafeteria? | _____________________ | _____________________

7.  Do you like roller coasters? | _____________________ | _____________________

Exercise 2: Answer the following negative questions using a complete sentence.

1.  Won’t you miss seeing me every day? (No) | No, I will not miss seeing you every day.

2.  Aren’t you tired? (Yes) | ___________________________

3.  Doesn’t he have two cats? (Yes) |  ___________________________

4.  Is she not from Canada? (Yes) | ___________________________

5.  Aren’t you the oldest of five children? (No) | ___________________________

6.  Have you not eaten cereal every day for the past year? (No) | ___________________________