Class 27-2: Mixed Conditionals

“If I weren’t going to work today, I would go to the doctor.”

Sometimes unreal conditional sentences are mixed. Study the examples below to learn how to mix conditional verb forms.

Present Unreal Conditional

Past Unreal Conditional

1. If I were smarter, 

I would have gotten a job as an astronaut.

2. If she were a doctor,

she would have prescribed you medicine.

Present Unreal Conditional

Future Unreal Conditional

1. If I spoke French,

I would move to Paris.

2. If I could understand English,

I would move to New York.


Future Unreal Conditional

Past Unreal Conditional

1. If I weren’t starting school in the fall,

I would have taken that new job.

2. If we weren’t going to be parents in a couple of months,

I would have spent all my extra money on luxury items.

Future Unreal Conditional

Present Unreal Conditional

1. If I weren’t working this Summer,

I would learn how to play soccer.

2. If I were going to Brussels this fall,

I would be excited.


Past Unreal Conditional

Present Unreal Conditional

1. If I had started math sooner,

I would be an accountant.

2. If I had studied harder in school,

I would be making more money.


Past Unreal Conditional

Future Unreal Conditional

1. If Tom had completed his homework,

he would be going to the party.

2. If she had studied for the exam,

she would be going to a better school this Fall.


Exercise 1: Underline the correct mixed conditional for each sentence.

1.  If I (was / were / am) more athletic, I would be a marathon runner.

2.  If I had (finish / finished / finishing) the book, I would be going to the book discussion tonight.

3.  If I (aren’t / weren’t / am) running the marathon this Fall, I would have eaten more desserts at dinner.

4.  If you were bilingual*, I would (send / sent / sended) you to the conference in New York City.

5.  If I (was practiced / had practiced / am practiced) longer, I would be a lot better at playing my guitar.

6.  If I weren’t leaving for Paris, I would have (buyed / bought / buy) that apartment.

7.  If I weren’t driving to my parents’ house this weekend, I (would work / would worked / were work) on my project for school.

8.  If I had (drink / drank / drunk) that spoiled milk, I would be very sick now.

9.  If they weren’t talking so much, they (would have here / would have hear / would have heard) the directions.

10.  If they had stopped at the stoplight, they would not be (ask / asked / asking) the police officer for forgiveness.

*The ability to speak two languages.