Class 25-4: Future Real Conditionals


If I look for a new job tonight, I will be happier tomorrow.”


The future real conditional describes what you think you will do in the future after another action occurs. (Example 1)

It is different from other real conditional forms because you do not know what will happen in the future. You must guess.

Both if and when are used with the future real conditional. Using if says that you do not know if an action will happen or not. When says that an action will happen, but you are waiting for that action to occur. (Examples 2 and 3)


1. When I run the marathon tomorrow, I will be tired when I finish.

2. If I study English, I will be fluent.

3. When Tom travels to France, he will take a plane.

*Remember: When is 100% – you are sure the action will happen.

*Remember: If is 50% – you are not sure an action will happen.

Sentence Structure Formula:

If / When + simple present, simple future.

1. If Tom takes that job, he will have to move. 2. When Lucy goes to the beach, she will have to use sunscreen.

simple future + if / when + simple present.

1. I will cook dinner, if you wash the dishes. 2. Jack will walk the dog, if you feed him.

Note: You do not need to use I in your sentences. You can use he / she / it / they / Tom / Emily / etc.

26-4 If I take the stairs, it will take me longer.”


Exercise 1: Underline the correct form of future real conditional for each sentence.

1.  If I (go / gone / will go) to the gym tonight, I (will need / will needed / needed) a towel to go swimming.

2.   If I (drive / will drive / will drove) to the store now, I (miss / missed / will miss) will my favorite television show.

3.   When I (got / get / will got) some money, I’m (will buy /going to buy / bought) a new computer.

4.   When the weather (get / gets / got) better, we will (start / started / starting) going to the beach.

5.  If I can (complete / completing / completed) my homework, I’m (go / gone / going) to the park.

6.  If I (drive / drove / driving) to California, I’m (going / going / gone) to take my wife with me.

7.  When I (go / going / gone) to the movie theater, I will (buy / buying / bought) some candy.

8.  If she does her (work / working / worked) poorly, I will have to (ask / asking / asked) her to do the work again.

9.  If the book (are / is) too long, I will not (has / had / have) a chance to finish it.

10.  When I get (work / working / worked) to this morning, I am (go / going / gone) to call my mother.