Class 20-1: Expressing the Future Tenses in Time Clauses


When this tree is finished growing,  I wonder if it will grow oranges?”


Using when, after, as soon as, before, or until to discuss the time is called a time clause. These clauses are used to discuss future tense.


You do not use will (future tense) or be going to (future tense) in a time clause.

After when, after, as soon as, before, or until you need a subject and a verb. (Example 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)

Time clauses using the when time clause can start at the beginning of the sentence. (Example 1)

They can also start in the middle of the sentence. (Example 6)


1. When Mike comes, please give him something to eat.

2. After we get to the park, I will give you some food.

3. As soon as we get there, we must get our tickets.

4. Before you go to the party, you must clean your room.

5. Until I see better grades, you cannot go to your friend’s house.

6. We’ll go to the store when we get to Ohio.


Exercise 1: Create your own sentences using the time clauses above.

1.  After we get to the movie theater, I want to buy some candy.

2.  When my friends come, ________________________________________

3.  After we arrive, ________________________________________

4.  Until you do your homework, ________________________________________

5.  As soon as we get to Disney World, ________________________________________

6.  After you clean the house, ________________________________________

7.  Before you go to the party, ________________________________________

8.  When Lucy gets here, ________________________________________

9.  As soon as the plane lands, ________________________________________

10.  After I go to the bank, ________________________________________

11.  Before I clean the kitchen, ________________________________________