Class 27-1: Continuous Conditionals


He is running a relay race.



The continuous conditional is an action that continues for a length of time. (Example 1)

You should know the continuous verbs (progressive tense) from the previous chapters.

Conditional + Continuous is used to discuss unreal or imaginary situations that continue for a length of time.

Note:  it is called unreal because it is not likely or possible the action will happen.


1. He is running a marathon.     *Running is the continuous verb.

2. If I were running a marathon, I would be practicing today.     *Running is the continuous verb.

3. If I were moving to Nepal, I would have a going away party.     *Moving is the continuous verb.



Present Unreal Conditional + Continuous:

Present unreal conditional + continuous is used to discuss imaginary or unreal actions that could be currently happening.


1. If the teacher is still teaching, I would raise my hand and ask a question.

2. If the janitor is still cleaning, I would ask him to empty your garbage can.

Past Unreal Conditional + Continuous:

Past unreal conditional + continuous is used to discuss imaginary or unreal actions happening in the past.

1. If I had been at the party, I would have seen the girl I liked.

2. If he had been studying, he would have passed the test.

Future Unreal Conditional + Continuous:

Future unreal conditional + continuous is used to discuss imaginary or unreal actions happening in the future.

1. If I were going to the concert tomorrow, I would not be sad.

2. If I were running in the race tomorrow, I would go and practice this afternoon.


“If I had been exercising, I would not have gotten so out-of-shape.”


Exercise 1: Underline the correct continuous conditional form for each sentence.

1.  She is (drive / driving / will drive) down the street.

2.  If Ann is still (watch / watched / watching) television, I would (ask / asked / asking) her to help you.

3.  If Tom is (do / doing / done) his homework, I would (ask / asked / asking) him to help you with yours.

4.  If Jennifer is (practice / practiced / practicing) for the marathon, I would (practice / practiced / practicing) with her.

5.  If she had been (pay / paid / paying) attention in class, she would (have / has / had) gotten an “A” on her test.

6.  If the dog (have / has / had) been at home, he could have (stop / stopped / stopping) the thief from coming in the house.

7.  If Mike had been (listen / listened / listening), he would have (hear / hearing / heard) the teacher give the directions.

8.  If I were (study / studying / studied) English in the United States, I would (quit / quitting) my job tomorrow.

9.  If I were (make / making / made) a lot of money, I would (buy / buying / bought) a big house for my family and myself.

10. If I were (speak / speaking / spoken) English, I would try and (ask / asked / asking) my boss for more money.