Class 1-6: Compound Nouns
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The golf ball is right where he wants it.
Compound nouns are two words combined together to make one word or phrase. |
There are Three Forms of Compound Nouns:
Definitions: Closed Form – Words are put together to make one word and there is no hyphen between the words. |
Examples: firefly, keyboard, secondhand, makeup, softball, notebook, motorcycle, childlike |
Hyphenated Form – A word phrase that has one definition, with a hyphen between each word. |
daughter-in-law, six-pack master-at-arms, six-year-old over-the-counter, mass-produced |
Open Form – A word phrase that has one definition. There is no hyphen between the words. |
post office, real estate upper class, full moon half sister, attorney general |
boat | dream | back | time | fight | hopper | ball | pike| spoon | mother |
Exercise 1: Complete the compound noun using the word box above.
1. football
2. day _________________
3. grass _________________
4. grand _________________
5. day _________________
6. dog _________________
7. quarter _________________
8. sail _________________
9. tea _________________
10. turn _________________