Class 24-1: Active and Passive Forms


The flowers are being sucked-up by the vacuum.

Sentences can be active or passive. This means tenses also have active forms and passive forms.

  Active Forms


Most sentences are active. In active sentences the noun performing the action is at the front of the sentence(subject), and the noun receiving the action is at the end of the sentence(object).


1. Mike(subject) cleans his room(object).

2. John(subject) reads the book(object).

3.  Karen(subject) traveled to Ohio(object).

Sentence Structure Formula:

noun performing action + verb + noun receiving action

Emily answered the door.

 Passive Forms


In passive sentences, the noun receiving the action is at the front of the sentence and the noun performing the action is at the end of the sentence.

You can use the passive form if you think that the noun receiving the action is more important.

You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to talk about the noun doing the action. (Example 3)


1. The room was cleaned by Mike.

2. The book was read by John.

3. The wallet was stolen by someone.

Sentence Structure Formula:

noun receiving the action + be + past participle of verb + by + noun doing the action

The car was fixed by me.

  Sample Sentences


Simple Present


Once a day, I feed my dog.


Once a day, the dog is fed by Tom.

Present ContinuousCurrently, Joe is talking to Sarah.Currently, Sarah is being talked to by Joe.
Simple PastTom read the book.The book was read by Tom.
Past ContinuousThe maid was cleaning my house.The house was being cleaned by the maid.
Present PerfectThe boy has talked to many people.Many people have been talked to by the boy.
Present Perfect ContinuousToday, Tom had been cleaning his house for two hours before the party started.Today, the house had been cleaned by Tom for two hours before the party started.



Past Perfect


Susan had cleaned many houses before she got paid.


Many houses had been cleaned by Susan before she got paid.

Past Perfect Continuous

Tom had been repairing cars for years.

For years, cars had been being repaired by Tom.

Simple Future

Today, we will be washing our car.

Today, our car will be washed by us.

Simple Future
be going to

She is going to be baking a cake tonight.

A cake is going to be baked by her tonight.

Future Continuous

They will have started the movie by the time we get to the theater.

The movie will have started by the time we get to the theater.

Future Continuous
be going to

The teacher is going to be teaching the class.

The class is going to be taught by the teacher.

Future Perfect

We will have been climbing Mount Everest for two weeks before we get to the top.

Mount Everest will have been climbed by us for two weeks before we get to the top.

Future Perfect
be going to

They are going to have to work through the night if they are not finished in time.

The work will have to be completed through the night by them if they are not finished in time.

Future Perfect Continuous

We will have been cleaning the house for ten hours before my parents arrive.

Before the arrival of my parents, we will have been cleaning the house for ten hours.



“I thought I had cleaned this closet?”


Exercise 1: The first sentence is active; the second sentence is passive. Change the active to the passive by underlining the correct form of be.

1.  Sophia cleans the house every day. Every day, the house (is being / has been) cleaned by Sophia.

2.  Sophia is cleaning the house. The house (is being / has been) cleaned by Sophia.

3.  Sophia has cleaned the house. The house (is being / has been) cleaned by Sophia.

4.  Sophia cleaned the house. The house (was / is) cleaned by Sophia.

5.  Sophia was cleaning the house. The house (was being / has been) cleaned by Sophia.

6.  Sophia had cleaned the house. The house (had been / has been) cleaned by Sophia.

7.  Sophia will clean the house. The house (will be / is) cleaned by Sophia.

8.  Sophia is going to clean the house. The house (is going to be / was) cleaned by Sophia.

9.  Sophia will have cleaned the house. The house (will have been / was) cleaned by Sophia.

Exercise 2: Read the following sentences. If they are written in active voice, write active, if they are written in passive voice, write passive.

1.  I have to help my sister with her homework. active

2.  A new leash for the dog was given by my aunt.  ______________

3.  The National Anthem was written by Francis Scott Key. ______________

4.  I am sitting by the lake. ______________

5.  Chocolate ice cream was eaten by everyone at the party.  ______________

6.  I stood next to the statue. ______________

7.  Sabrina was making everyone dinner. ______________

8.  The flu was passed from one classmate to another. ______________

9.  Tuna was fed to the cats. ______________

10.  The dishes were washed by Kelly. _____________