Class 15-8: Verb + Preposition 



Use verb + preposition to give the preposition an action.

Sentence Structure Formula:

verb + preposition


1. She’s putting on her new shoes.

2. Michael’s running around me.


Exercise 1: Underline the verb + preposition in each sentence below.

1.  I am asking for help.

2.  We have agreed on a price for the baseball card.

3.  Jessica will apologize for yelling at you.

4.  We can’t argue about everything!

5.  My mom decided to care for my grandfather after he had a stroke.

6.  I belong to three different teams.

7.  I don’t care about the weather! We play inside!

8.  Do you still communicate with your old neighbor?

9.  I will apply for an after-school job.

10.  I still believe in the tooth fairy.