Class 15-3: Prepositions of Movement


He is nervous about buying stocks.

Prepositions: to Sentence Structure Formulas: to + the (object) to + verb Examples: 1. He’s carrying the garbage to the  trash can. 2. I wanted to drive.


through + the (object)

The man looked through the telescope.


across + the (object)

The pretty woman is walking across the street.


along + the (object)

The couple is walking along the trail.


down + the (object)

The woman walked down the aisle.


over + the (object)

The Italian flag is hung over the bridge.


off *(sentence ending)

off + the object.

1. In the morning, I turn my alarm clock off.

2. Get off the stage.


around + the (object)

The pilot will fly the plane around the world.


into + the (object)

The wine is being poured into the glass.

Prepositions List


A. aboard about above across after against along amid among anti around as at

B. before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by

C. concerning considering

D. despite down during

E. except excepting excluding

F. following for from

I. in inside into

L. like

M. minus

N. near

O. of off on onto opposite outside over

P. past per plus

R. round regarding

S. since

T. than through to toward towards

U. under underneath unlike until up upon

V. versus via

W. with within without


Exercise 1: Write the correct preposition.

1.  I walked to the store.

2.  The movie starts ________ 8:10pm.

3.  The restaurant is open ________ the evenings only.

4.  His birthday is ________ Saturday.

5.  We usually have dinner ________ 8:00pm.

6.  He leaves for New York ________ Friday.

7.  My plane leaves ________ midnight.

8.  They return ________ April 24.

9.  We usually go ________ vacation ________ the summer.

10.  He went to California ________ July.

Exercise 2: Write the correct preposition.

1.  I am leaving in six days.

2.  I go to work early ________ the morning.

3.  They eat breakfast ________ the morning.

4.  The metro leaves promptly ________ time.

5.  Will we be too late ________ catch the train?

6.  You were not ________ time for work this morning.

7.  I have ________ work ________ 8:00am ________ 5:00pm every day.

8.  Don’t be late! Be ________ time for the start of the class.

9.  What were you doing ________ the 1980’s?

10.  We always stay up late ________ New Year’s Eve.

Exercise 3: Write the correct preposition. 1.  Go down the street and pick up some milk. 2.  She walked ________ the store to buy some groceries.

3.  You must walk ________ the bridge to get to the store.

4.  You can walk ________ the lake.

5.  The salesperson said the product was ________ the aisle.

6.  You must turn the lights ________ in order to save money.

7.  The coffee shop is ________ the corner.

8.  Put the money ________ your pocket.

9.  Turn the lights ________ so I can see.

10.  You must look ________ the binoculars in order to see closer.